کتاب Recycling of Polymers

  • کتاب Recycling of Polymers
کتاب Recycling of Polymers

خرید کتاب Recycling of Polymers:

۱۵,۰۰۰ تومان

  • نسخه کتاب فعلی به زبان لاتین می‌باشد.
  • کتاب به صورت فایل می‌باشد و پس از خرید بلافاصله در دسترس شما قرار می‌گیرد.
  • در صورت هرگونه سؤال با ایمیل و یا شماره پشتیبانی سایت در تماس باشید.

کتاب Recycling of Polymers در مورد بازیابی پلیمرها و مواد بازیافتی می‌باشد.

سرفصل‌های کتاب Recycling of Polymers:

  • Preface
  • List of Contributors
  • Abbreviations
  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Common Additives used in Recycling of Polymers
  • 3 Methods of Recycling
  • 4 Recycling of Plastics
  • 5 Recycling of Rubber
  • 6 Fibers
  • 7 Recycling of Polymer Blends and Composites (Epoxy Blends)
  • 8 Recycling of Other Layered Mixed Plastics or Resins: Polyurethanes
  • 9 Ecoprofiles of Recycled Polymers at a Glance
  • Index

مقدمه‌ای بر کتاب Recycling of Polymers:

Polymer products are indispensible to humans because of their several advantages, such as easy processability into various shapes, low cost, lightweight, and durability, over conventional products. But the irony is that some of these advantages make polymeric materials a threat to life on Earth through widespread and irreparable damage to environment. This comes mainly because some of us still believe that polymer products are of the “use and throw” type. Because of this, our soil, water, and air are catastrophically affected. Therefore, it is high time to think and work on alleviating the serious ill effects of polymers and attempt to regenerate our environment for future generations.

One of the possible remedies that is being considered and debated by the general public, scientists, and academicians is polymer recycling. This is because all other alternatives are either extremely dangerous or economically unviable. One can see that the two common substitutes for polymer recycling are (i) the simple burning of used polymers in open air, which is more dangerous to the environment, and (ii) the use of biodegradable polymers, which is uneconomical. Therefore, “recycle and reuse” is considered the best option for a sustainable environment. Secondly, recycling minimizes the need for raw materials so that the rainforests can be preserved. Great amounts of energy are used when making products from raw materials. Recycling requires much less energy and therefore helps us preserve natural resources.

This book Recycling of Polymers is a collection of recent research and academic studies on the methods of recycling, followed by applications and, finally, the merits and demerits of recycled polymer products. It is noteworthy that this book encompasses almost all categories of polymers, namely plastics, elastomers, and fibers, and, in addition, also blends, composites, and resins. This book consists of nine chapters. The first chapter mainly presents the overall idea that recycling is one of the best options for making a positive impact on the world in which we live. It gives a general idea about its importance, why we should do recycling, what are the sources of recycling, various stages of recycling, and so on.

Chapter 2 (Parts 2.1 and 2.2) provides the different types of additives that are commonly used for recycling. Additives play a leading role in the success of commercial plastics, elastomers, rubbers, coatings, and adhesives. It also describes the common additives used in the recycling of polymers. This includes a study of the different classes of additives that are employed alone or in combination with other additives in the polymer recycling or manufacturing process. After describing the different additives that are not included in the first part of this chapter, a quick look into the recent trends, advancements, and the future of additives is included in the second part.

The third chapter includes the method of recycling of polymers. Part 3.1 of the chapter comprises a significant review of the chemical recycling of the generally used addition polymers such as polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), and Part 3.2 includes chemical recycling of condensation polymers such as poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), polycarbonate (PC), nylon, and so on. Fourth chapter reviews the recycling of thermoplastic waste from some traditional polymers such as polyethylene (PE), PP, PS, PVC, PS, PET, and so on.
Chapter 5 includes the production and world consumption of rubber products and applications of recycled rubber. The recycling of rubber products is not a trivial process because their crosslinked structure restricts reprocessing. Efficient methods of devulcanization include chemical, mechanical, biological, thermal, microwave, and ultrasonic techniques.

Chapter 6 mainly focuses on the recycling of fibers. The most commonly recycled natural and synthetic fibers are included in this chapter. Natural polymers are biodegradable. They can be blended with plastics to produce materials that are more biodegradable while retaining the more desirable features of conventional plastics. Synthetic polymers are non-biodegradable. So this chapter mainly gives an idea about the recycling and use of recycled products of synthetic fibers.

Chapter 7 deals with the recycling of polymer blends and composites. Epoxies are thermoset polymers and are very difficult to degrade. Therefore, the different types of recycling techniques used for the epoxy thermosets are presented in this chapter. Examples of recycled epoxy thermosets that are converted into useful products are highlighted.

Chapter 8 deals with the recycling of polyurethanes. Mainly polyurethanes are used to obtain rigid and flexible foams. Nowadays, recycling of polyurethanes is drawing more and more attention worldwide because of the variety of products developed with them for various applications.

Chapter 9 gives an idea on the benefits of recycling and the impact of some significant recycled polymers on the environment. First part of this chapter discusses the advantages of recycling with the help of six major recycled polymers. Recycled polymers leads to the following positive impacts: (i) they save the Earth, (ii) they conserve energy, (iii) they help in mitigating global warming and in reducing pollution, (iv) they minimize waste products placed in landfills,
(v) they help save money, (vi) they reduce the need for allied activities such as transportation and mining, and (vii) they spread awareness for the environment. The second part of this chapter evaluates the effects of recycled polymers from three angles – environmental, human health, and economic.

India Raju Francis

August 11, 2016

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خرید کتاب Recycling of Polymers:

۱۵,۰۰۰ تومان

  • نسخه کتاب فعلی به زبان لاتین می‌باشد.
  • کتاب به صورت فایل می‌باشد و پس از خرید بلافاصله در دسترس شما قرار می‌گیرد.
  • در صورت هرگونه سؤال با ایمیل و یا شماره پشتیبانی سایت در تماس باشید.
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